Monday, June 24, 2013

God not a ball of cheese !

People think God is a ball of cheese and He is there to give us cheese. He normally gives the Cross to Good and the throne to Evil. Crooks thriving and good people suffering. We cannot say we are good people either. Ask our enemies.............

At least Dhoni was realistic yesterday. He told his team mates " God is not coming to save you, fight it out ". And the young Indian team fought it out and India lifted the CT13 and Dhoni became the first captain ever to lift three World Cups!  That is manliness, which was sadly missing in the Indian teams of yore !  

Everything is enveloped by Negativity, Sarva Arambha hi doshena dhoomenagnirir Avritha, says the Lord in the BG. For everything the negative aspect is there. There is a general charge that Astrologer emphasise the negative aspect more than the positive ! This is not true. I always deal with the positive aspect ! 

Zen and Tibetan Handicraft Masterpieces

Zen and Tibetan singing bowls are famous.  Such magnificent  handicraft masterpieces characterise Nepal an Tibet.  The Himalayan Expanse, famous as the "Root of the World", is famous for its mysticism  and  instruments of Meditation and Relaxation ! We at   3rd  provide some of the finest handicrafts from the Roof Top of the World. Known to have  profound religious significance for both Hinduism and Buddhism, these places are considered sacred by many. The throat of India! We feature many fair trade items from Asia including Malas, Clear Quartz Singing Bowls, Tibetan Prayer Flags, Tibetan Herbal Incense, Ceramic Singing Bowls, Tingsha Meditation Chimes, Gongs, Bells and Dorjes, Natural Handmade Soap, Mala Prayer Beads,Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Spouting Bowls, Hand Carved Wood Masks,     Himalayan Singing Bowls,  Tibetan Singing Bowls, Yoga and Meditation Supplies, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Brass and Bronze Statues, Japanese Singing Bowls and many other unique handicrafts at wholesale prices.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Of Buddhism and Hinduism

The Cosmic Consciousness of SCI & TM is the Nibbana which Buddhism speaks  of  and the Samadhi of the Hindus.

There are two types of Samadhi - Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa, Cosmic Consiousness and Unity Consciousness, the Fifth and Seventh States.

Now Buddhism is a formidable system of Philosophy, which deals with the causes of Sorrow and its cessation.Buddha was indeed one of the greatest philosophers.

Now jumping to Cosmic Consciousness is not easy, it requires years of preparation and meditation.

Jnana Yoga is Union via Wisdom and these concepts and experiences belong to Wisdom.

Now Bhakti Yoga is the Union via Love, where the Self is worshipped as the Quintessence of Love. Now this Yoga is predominant in Hinduism, as Masters state that Love is greater than Intelligence.

Wisdom is great, but Love is greater !

We repeat, the Fourfold Yoga is the best path. We find in Christiantiy, Theology or Dvaitha is more dominant. Also in Islam. More Theology, less Philosphy. Of course there is Philosophy in these two, as Gnosticism and Sufism. But Theology is more dominant.

After you study all the great religions of the world, you will have to accept Universal Love.Any system which does not incorporate Universal Love or Union via Universal Love will not have much followers. 

Leela, a better term than Maya. !

"Leela includes the idea of Maya and exceeds it"  - Aurobindo.
The word Maya, contains within itself, a devastating simplicity of nullification. ( Ho Ho, everything is Maya. Why should I work ? )
This is His Leela, Himself the Play, Himself the Player, Himself the Playground !

We may regard and realise it as Leela, the magicinan's Joy, creating and recreating Himself in Himself for the sheer bliss of that self creation !