Friday, February 02, 2007

The Grace of the Master

Heaven, wealth and all enjoyments
Wisdom, children & happiness supreme
All can be received with grace
With the Master's Divine Grace!

Amongst the Noble Four
Father, Mother, Guru, God
Guru is He who is the foremost
If the Lord gets angry, the Guru will save
If the Master gets angry, who will save ?

( Tasmat shastrasya siddhanto
Brahma daye guru parah
Sivau rushte gurur sratha
Guraur rushte na sankara )

The Guru taken on the resposibility of his disciple's karma. He exhausts the karma of the disciple and give him Self Actualisation. Bhava means the ocean of worldliness and Bhagavan is He who is empowered to destroy the ocean of worldliness ( Bhavam Nihatya ) and confer Cosmic Consciousness ! ( Yogam Dadathi Ithi Bhagah ).

All sorts of achievements will follow Him
Who has the Master's Protecting Grace !

Hide, the holy Krishna saith,
This from him that hath no faith
Him that worships not, nor seeks
Wisdom' teachings when She speaks
Hide it from all men who mock
But whenever amidst the flock
Of my lovers one shall teach
This divinest wisest speech
Teaching in the faith to bring
Faith to them and offering
Of all honour unto me
Unto Brahma cometh he !

( Sir Edwin Arnold - The Song Celestial )

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