Saturday, February 16, 2008

Live like the Lotus Leaf !

The Lord of Yoga asks us to live like the Lotus leaf that lives on water, but is never moistened by water !

So is the perfect one! to his soul’s ocean

The world of sense pours streams of witchery;

They leave him as they find, without commotion,

Taking their tribute, but remaining sea.

Yea! whoso, shaking off the yoke of flesh Lives lord, not servant, of his lusts; set free

From pride, from passion, from the sin of “Self,” Toucheth tranquillity! O Pritha’s Son!

That is the state of Brahm! There rests no dread When that last step is reached! Live

where he will, Die when he may, such passeth from all ‘plaining, To blest Nirvana, with

the Gods, attaining.

Article Source : UNODC

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