Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Fame, only if one perseveres in the Path Celestial !

This is the quintessence of the Geetha, Sreyan Swadharmo Vigunah. Perseverance in one's chosen path is all in all.

We find that there are military people ( Kshatriyas ), businessmen ( Vaishyas ), spiritual people ( Brahmanas ) & people who are devoted to service ( Shudras ). These are the Four Noble Professions ! No caste system is meant here. The Lord says the He created the Four Noble Professions ( Thasya kartharamapi mam ) & at the same time He is the uncreator ( that He is blissful in the transcendental realm ).

So when a spiritual aspirant seeking Self Actualisation is beset by adversities, he should not give up his striving for the Absolute. This is what is meant by Sreyan Swadharmo Vigunah. When he underwent initiation, there was something in him which was not ignorant and something that made him crave for the Eternal. But tests and tribulations are part of the Law of the Way. Only after mortal dross is purged from his being, only after the Seven Deadly Sins fall away from him, then only can he hope to get Self Actualisation. So he has to persevere and not quit.

Sreyan Swadharmo Vigunah
Para Dharman Swanishtithal
Swadhame Nidhanam Sreyah
Para Dharmo Bhayavaha

The second line says one's own Path is better than the Path chosen by others. Persistence in one's path is ennobling; while other professions cause fear.

Sahajam Karma Kauntheyah
Sa Dosham api na thayjeth
Sarvarambha hi doshena
Dhoomenagni ri vavrutha

All paths have merits and demerits. The field of Business has its demerits and merits. So also the field of Military and Police. Also Service. And it is not fair to say that the spiritual path alone is infested with adversities. Philosophy has been defined as Adversity's sweet milk, by Shakespeare. OK, difficulties and adversities are real for an aspirant. So what, why abandon the path? Despite its difficulties, the Lord advises the discriminative intellect not to quit and bear the pain calmly ( O mortal, bear this great world's Law of Pain ).

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