Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Absolute is equal and equanimous !

The world is overcome, aye, even here

By such that fix their faith on Unity

The sinless Brahma dwells in Unity

And they in Brahma

- Geetha

Ihaiva thairjitha sargo
Esham samyo sthitham manah
Nirdosham hi samam Brajma
Thasmad Brahmani the shithah

This is becoming a Sthitha Prajna, one whose Consciousness is established in the Absolute Brahman.

About Samam Brahma( The Absolute is equal and equanimous ) , Aurobindo said " We are confronted by a mighty Energy of infinite Existence and infinite Activity, pouring itself into limitless Space and eternal Time, before whose balance the grandiose product of aeons seems seems nothing but the dust of a moment. This mighty Energy is an equal and impartial mother and in the mighty term of the Geetha, Samam Brahma !"

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Bhagavan Patanjali and Yoga Sutras

In His Yoga Sutras, Patanjali spelt out the principles of Cosmic Union.

Transcending the three relative states of Waking ( Jagrat ), Dreaming ( Swapna ) and Dremless Sleep ( Sushupthi ), there exists a Fourth State of Consciousness ( proved conclusively in Dr Keith Wallace's PhD Thesis " The physiological effects of Transcendental Meditaton", UCLA. 1975 and published in the Scientific American ).

This Fourth State is known in Sanskrit as Thureeya. Transcendental Consciousness is Thureeya and Cosmic Consciousness, the Fifth State, is known as Thureeyatheetha in Yogic scriptures.

Bhagavan Patanjali was an incarnation of the Lord. The Lord in His Bounty, incarnated as Patanjali to reveal to humanity the Wisdom of Yoga Sastra.

Later, Aurobindo integrated all the four systems of Yoga - Bhakti, Jnana, Karma and Raja - and called it the Integral Yoga.

In the early hours of morning, I meditate
On the Absolute Self, which alone exists
Which is of the nature of Being-Knowledge-Bliss
Which is the end of our evolutionary journey
Which transcends the relative states triune
I am that partless, undifferentiated Brahman
And not this assemblage apparent
Of matter envelopments, bound by Nescience !

Pratha smarami hrudi samsphura atma thathvam
Sat Chit Sukham Paramahamsa Gathim Thureeyam
Yad swapna jagara sushupta mavethi nithyam
Tad Brahma nishkalam aham na cha bhoothasangha ! !